Monday, November 28, 2011


I officially hate Excel!! I had absolutely NO FUN with this last project!! I hope to never have to use this again!!!
 I am not sure what to do with this now that I finished it

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

YouTube video

I downloaded this video from YouTube using RealPlayer Downloader.  It downloaded into  .flv file.  It was easy to then upload it to my blog using the tool bar at the top of the message window.  This is a great way to allow students access to materials that they cannot get at school due to county board of education blockages.  They can also use the downloaded videos to share concepts with their fellow students. This offers the opportunity to both use new technological knowledge and demonstrate/share it with the teacher and other students.

I chose this video for pure entertainment! I love it and think it's hilarious!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

TTest Results




I understood it much better with the running commentary!!
I tried to follow the video without Dr. Pierce talking thru it, but it was a disaster!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Ok, so it's done...but I wish we hadn't had to do this project!!

My podcast has a brief introduction followed by songs as they appeared in my life.  The first two were ones I can remember listening to in my dad's van as we were headed for the beach.  In hindsight, not a good choice for children!

Here is the link address:


I didn't notice that we were supposed to post our topic....I have been having such trouble with this assignment, I don't think I could have posted the topic before now even if I had noticed!
So my topic is the genre changes that have occurred over my life in the realm of music.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Personality Profile #2

OK, I was dead on with 3 of the letters for the personality type! I was an INFJ when I did the self ranking.  After completing the personality test, I was an ISFJ.  That one letter changed where I was in the area of temperment! Based on the web-site, I now fall under the Guardian-Protector temperment.  This make a little more sense to me.  I looked at the "Dealing with Stress at Work" part too.  It was as if someone had been following me around and taking notes!! I am going to print this off and give it to my principal....and probably my husband. 
After completing this, I realize that I will need to push myself to get involved with my colleagues. I don't tend to do much outside of the school day with the people I work with. Last year, several of them would go out to eat after work (about once a month) and just visit.  I always had an excuse why I couldn't go....but basically, I just wanted to go home and be with my family! Think that my stress at work could be reduced if I was more social with the people I work least its worth a try.
As far as my students, I need to step out of my comfort zone and use different mediums to convey information.  That is a definite plus to taking this course! I am learning lots of new technology-whether I want to or not!

Personality Profile #1

I have taken this "test" before....I don't remember the exact letter combinations, but I think they were the same.
My 4 letter coade was INFJ.  After reading the profile description that went with it, I think it is pretty accurate.  I LOVE to watch people, how they interact with the environment around them, and how they interact with each other.  I grew up at the beach and would go to the boardwalk and "people-watch".
I'm not sure about the "decisive in implementing their vision" part.  I tand to second guess most of the decisions I make.  I guess at least I make the decision?
As far as my temperament from the other web site, it too was right on target.  I'm not sure if I like that I can be 'pigeon-holed' so well....
I am an abstract cooperator.  Based on my 4 letter code and if I understood the site correctly, I guess I should have been a counselor.  That is VERY funny, since my first under-graduate degree was in behavioral science! At least teacher fell under the 'idealist' heading too.
I like rules and guideline (probably why I'm having trouble with the Audacity assignment- pick my own topic...yeah.) and hate doing something that "feels wrong". 
As a reading and math interventionist, I am always looking ahead to what I imagine could be possible for my students.  I also look for what motivates my students and try to capitalize one that.  I am also VERY organized...almost to a fault! I have been accused of being OCD by many people!
Oh, well....I am what I am (to quote Popeye!)

Thursday, September 29, 2011


This was very cool. I can see more of a family and social application for this. I loved the example where each family member commented on a picture and what they thought was going on when it was taken.  What a great way to share with future generations!
This would be a great way to inspire student creativity and allow for greater exposure.
I had a thought that this would be a great way to connect with a classroom in a different part of the US or the world.  Each class could comment on a picture or topic and record their thoughts. This alleviates the problems with time zone differences and allows the teacher to preview the content.
Here is the link to the voicethread...

Here are the links to the 2 videos:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Google Doc

This was fun and easy!!  In my school, we often want to use things from YouTube, but it is blocked.  We can ask for specific things to be allowed, but that aften takes several days.  This is most definitly a skill I will use often!
This is the first time I have used Google Docs. It is VERY user friendly. This is an activity that students could do to expand their learning and creativity.  This offers a way to design and develop digita;-age learning experiences in the classroom!
Here is the link to my Google Doc:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Jing Screencast

I am not a technology teacher, so I had to really think aboutn how I could incorporate this into my work environment.  I thonught it would be a great way to introduce a website for parents/caregivers to use with their children.  I chose to use as a demonstration for parents.  It helps to take digital-age learning from the classrooom and into the home.  This is also a great way to model digital-age work and learning.  The url for my screencast is:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I had to do this from work and they won't let me install Jing, so there are no pictures :(

I have seen this web-site before, but it is harder for me to come up with things for the lower grades. Maybe if I could put pictures in and use it for sight wors, etc...that's a possibility.
Here's the link before I forget:

It's a bit simplistic, but the first graders I work with are a low group!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Very Cool!

Dr. Nicholas posted this to show what amazing things our minds can do....I was VERY amazed that I could read this!

If you can read this you have a strong mind:TH15 M3554G3 53RV35 TO PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG TH1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 TH1NG5! 1N TH3 B3G1NN1NG 1T WA5 H4RD BUT NOW, ON TH15 LIN3 YOUR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 1T 4UT0M4T1C4LLY W1TH OUT 3V3N TH1NK1NG 4B0UT 1T, B3 PROUD! 0NLY C34RT41N P30PL3 C4N R3AD TH15. R3 P05T 1F U C4N

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Word Cloud

This was great!! I will definitely be using this!! The word cloud I created for this post was a demonstration of how sight words look to struggling students.....well, any words for that matter!

Jing Image

Ok, this was a little challenging! I couldn't get Jing to put an arrow in, but I'm going to 'play' more over the next few days.  I am a reading/math interventionist, so I chose an image of a web site that allows my students to see where they are supposed to go online to find the story we are reading for the day.

I wasn't sure if we were supposed to answer the 5 questions now, but I think we are just supposed to be able to answer them for oue quiz? Guess I'll find out!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Picasso....Melissa Style

This was a little interesting....I actually made 3 pictures. The first one was OK, but it was blah...I didn't realize until I viewed the gallery that I could add color. The second one got lost somehow...I moved my cursor and it magically disappeared! By the third time, I got it right! And this is what I ended up with...


It took me a few minutes to figure out where to click so that I could create a shortcut on my desktop, but I finally got it done.  This will be very nuseful when I have to do trianings for teachers. The artifact that I chose to practice on is our course activities. Here it is:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Browsers, add-on, & standards-Oh, my!

I have mostly used Internet Explorer as my browser.  I tried to use Foxfire for awhile, but I was so used to Explorer that I switched back.  I kept seeing things about 'add-ons', but never really understood what they were.  I now know that they are enhancements to the browser and allow for expansions and better functionality to your browser. 
I have never had a problem installing add-ons at home.  I have add-on from the following companies: Diigo, shockwave flash, Adobe, McAfee, HP, Microsoft, Skype, and Java.  They all installed very easily as I stated.  On my work computer, we are not allowed to install anything.  We have to contact the technologies people and wait for them to show up and install them.  There are 2 people responsible for 8 schools and the board offices....not worth waiting for them!!
I think that add-ons connect to all 5 of the ISTE NETS T standards.  Add-ons allow for teachers to facilitate student learning by increasing the ability of the browser to function and expand as needed.

Diigo....way cool!

I am very impressed with Diigo! The three "selling points" were research and community, connecting and engaging with others/friends, and the ability to have personalized recommendations based on what we have bookmarked. 
The Web 2.0 was less clear based on the video...if I understood it correctly, it is just the web upgraded.  It allows for sharing and collaboration that wasn't available before.  It also allows for more designing by the user.
Social bookmarking is tagging a website and saving it for later to the web.  This makes them easier to share with friends.
I am looking forward to exploring this "new" tool.  I know it probably isn't new to most people, but remember I am, to say the least, not technologically savy!

Monday, August 22, 2011

All About Me

I am trying to post, but I can't seem to access it...? I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, so I'll try again.

I have been married for almost 16 years and have 2 children, one boy and one girl. They keep me very busy. I am also employed as a Title I teacher (read this as a reading and math interventionist).  That is how I came to be in this class. I have to pursue a reading specialist certificate in order to keep my job!

I look forward to learning a lot thru this class...I remember when there was no internet and personal computers were just coming into homes!

Technology scares me!!