Saturday, October 8, 2011

Personality Profile #2

OK, I was dead on with 3 of the letters for the personality type! I was an INFJ when I did the self ranking.  After completing the personality test, I was an ISFJ.  That one letter changed where I was in the area of temperment! Based on the web-site, I now fall under the Guardian-Protector temperment.  This make a little more sense to me.  I looked at the "Dealing with Stress at Work" part too.  It was as if someone had been following me around and taking notes!! I am going to print this off and give it to my principal....and probably my husband. 
After completing this, I realize that I will need to push myself to get involved with my colleagues. I don't tend to do much outside of the school day with the people I work with. Last year, several of them would go out to eat after work (about once a month) and just visit.  I always had an excuse why I couldn't go....but basically, I just wanted to go home and be with my family! Think that my stress at work could be reduced if I was more social with the people I work least its worth a try.
As far as my students, I need to step out of my comfort zone and use different mediums to convey information.  That is a definite plus to taking this course! I am learning lots of new technology-whether I want to or not!

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